Friday, June 24, 2011

Rain Delay! New Hootenanny Date! Ahoy! Ahoy!

The Hootenanny has been postponed due to severe amounts of dampness. I repeat. The Hootenanny has been postponed. Do not come on Saturday, you will get damp. Come on Sunday, when it will be bright and clear with frolicksome ponies and the odd butterfly.

Sunday, June 26, 2-4

Still at LaRoche Park

See you there! Hooray!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Hootenanny Invite

We are going to miss all of our Ottawa folks something fierce when we move to Winnipeg! Please join us for a Hootenanny at Laroche Park next Saturday, June 25 for an afternoon of fun and games. Heck, some of you may even bring your banjos.


Place: Laroche Park

Time: 2-4 pm, Saturday, June 25 (rain date is Sunday, June 26, we'll post info here if it's pouring on Saturday)

Bring: Yourselves and whatever you'd like to drink. We will have munchies available. You may also like to bring a picnic blanket and a towel - there is a splash pad at the park.

We'd love to get photos of everyone as well - we're making a scrapbook of places and people we love in Ottawa, so please bring your lovliest smiles.

Hope you can make it!
Grace, Greg, Ruby, Fiona, and Henry