We are going to miss all of our Ottawa folks something fierce when we move to Winnipeg! Please join us for a Hootenanny at Laroche Park next Saturday, June 25 for an afternoon of fun and games. Heck, some of you may even bring your banjos.
Place: Laroche Park
Time: 2-4 pm, Saturday, June 25 (rain date is Sunday, June 26, we'll post info here if it's pouring on Saturday)
Bring: Yourselves and whatever you'd like to drink. We will have munchies available. You may also like to bring a picnic blanket and a towel - there is a splash pad at the park.
We'd love to get photos of everyone as well - we're making a scrapbook of places and people we love in Ottawa, so please bring your lovliest smiles.
Hope you can make it!
Grace, Greg, Ruby, Fiona, and Henry